Physiology Case History 6

A man aged about 40 yrs came to the outpatient department (OPD) with complaints of burning sensation in epigastrium and chest. Careful previous history revealed similar symptoms in the past and it was relieved by antacids or food. He was a known chronic smoker and frequent user of NSAIDs. Barium study revealed a well -  demarcated crater in the bulb of first portion of duodenum

Q1. What is your diagnosis?

Q2. How do you treat above condition.

A1. Duodenal ulcer

A2 Treatment to decrease the acid formation by the following

  • H2 receptor blocker (Eg:Ranitidine) – inhibits HCL secretion
  • Proton pump inhibitor(Eg:Omeprazole, Pantoprezole)  - inhibits H+ K+ ATPase pump.
  • Antibiotics against H.Pylori
  • Antacids
  • Life style and diet modifications