A 69 yrs old man goes to consult his physician. As he sits in the waiting room, he is observed to have tremors in his hands and fingers. His face is unexpressive & he makes few movements. When he is invited to enter the physician’s office, he has difficulty in standing up. He walk slowly into the office his arms do not swing appreciably. His speech is monotonous but he shows no intellectual deficit. There is no sensory loss. The muscles show rigidity.
Q1. What is your diagnosis?
Q2. Which part of the nervous system is
involves in this disease?
Q3. What is the treatment?
A1. Parkinson’s disease /paralysis Agitans/ shaking palsy
A2. Degeneration of the dopaminergic fibers of
the Nigro-strial pathway – Basal ganglia.
A3. L-Dopa, Carbidopa, Monoamino-oxygenase inhibitors like Selegiline, Anticholinergic drugs