Definition: is an immediate involuntary motor or
visceral response to an afferent sensory impulse
Reflex arc
It is the Anatomical nervous pathway for reflex action
Includes five components
Afferent nerve
Efferent nerve
Effector organ
Clinical Classification of Reflexes
- Superficial reflexes
- Involves skin and mucous membrane
- Deep tendon reflexes
- Involves tendons
Superficial reflexes
Protective reflexes
Stroking or pinching of particular area of skin
contraction of certain muscles
Conjunctival reflex
Corneal reflex
Abdominal reflex
Scapular reflex
Plantar reflex
Anal reflex
Bulbocavernus reflex
Cremastric reflex
Cornea Reflex
Cornea is an avascular structure
Any damage to the cornea will cause permanent scar on it
Conjunctival reflex
Approach the patient from the sides and lightly touch the
lateral portion of the conjunctiva with a strand of damp cotton wool. Avoid
touching the eyelids or eyelashes.
Abdominal reflex
Gently stroke the four quadrants of the abdomen with a blunt
object from lateral to medial direction
Scapular reflex
Stroke the skin in the interscapular region
Definition: is an immediate involuntary motor or visceral response to an afferent sensory impulse
Reflex arc
It is the Anatomical nervous pathway for reflex actionIncludes five components
- Receptor
- Afferent nerve
- Centre
- Efferent nerve
- Effector organ
Clinical Classification of Reflexes
- Superficial reflexes
- Involves skin and mucous membrane
- Deep tendon reflexes
- Involves tendons
Superficial reflexes
Protective reflexes
Stroking or pinching of particular area of skin
contraction of certain muscles
Conjunctival reflex
Corneal reflex
Abdominal reflex
Scapular reflex
Plantar reflex
Anal reflex
Bulbocavernus reflex
Cremastric reflex
Cornea is an avascular structure
Any damage to the cornea will cause permanent scar on it
Conjunctival reflex
Approach the patient from the sides and lightly touch the
lateral portion of the conjunctiva with a strand of damp cotton wool. Avoid
touching the eyelids or eyelashes.
Abdominal reflex
Gently stroke the four quadrants of the abdomen with a blunt
object from lateral to medial direction
Scapular reflex
Stroke the skin in the interscapular region
Preliminary Data:
- Name:
- Age:
- Gender:
- Occupation:
- Address:
General Physical Examination:
- Pallor: Not present
- Icterus: Not present
- Cyanosis: Not present
- Clubbing: Not present
- Oedema: Not present
- Lymphadenopathy: Not present
Vital Signs:
- Pulse:_____ bpm
- BP: ___/___ mmHg
- RR: _____ cycles/min.
- Temp:_____ deg. C
The Clinical Examination of Reflexes of the subject ________ aged ___ yrs is found to be normal.