Q. Describe the movements of small intestine with the help of suitable diagrams.

There are 4 types of movements of small intestine

  1. Mixing movements
  2. Propulsive movements
  3. Peristalsis in fasting – Migratory Motor Complex
  4. Movements of villi

I. Mixing movements

They are responsible for breakdown of chyme and mixing them with the digestive juices.

There two types of mixing movements

  1. Segmentation contractions
  2. Pendular movements

1) Segmentation contractions

  • They are rhythmic contractions of contraction and relaxation of a segment of small intestine alternately
  • They chop the chyme and mix them with the digestive juices.

2) Pendular movement

  • These are sweeping movement of small intestine resembling the movements of pendulum of clock.
  • They help in mixing of chyme with digestive juices.

II. Propulsive movements

These movements push the chyme in the aboral direction

There are 2 types of propulsive movements

  1. Peristalsis
  2. Peristaltic rush

1) Peristalsis

  • Peristalsis is a wave of contraction followed by wave of relaxation of smooth muscles of small intestine in aboral direction.
  • These movement push the chyme in the aboral direction.

2) Peristaltic Rush

They are powerful peristaltic contraction due to excessive irritation or distension of intestinal

It Sweeps the contents of intestine into colon there by relieving the small intestine off either irritants or excessive distention

III. Peristalsis in fasting - Migrating Motor Complex (MMC)

It occurs in stomach & small intestine during periods of fasting

Significance of Migratory Motor Complex

  • It sweeps the excess digestive secretions there by prevents its accumulation in stomach and intestine
  • It also sweeps residual indigested materials 

IV. Movements of Villi

Movements are shortening and elongation of villi occurring alternatively as well as sidewards swaying of the villi.

  • It helps in emptying lymph from the into the lymphatic system.
  • Elongation of villi increase in surface area which helps absorption of food molecules.