A 30 year old woman complains of general fatigue, breathlessness on exertion, and giddiness, headache, palpitation, dysphagia. On clinical examination the patient has pallor of skin and mucous membrane, tachycardia, glossitis, spooning of the nails.
Lab investigations:
- Hb%: 6 gm/100 ml.
- RBC count: 3 million / cu.mm of blood.
- MCH: 20 pgm, MCV: 70 fL
- Peripheral smear shows Eosionophilia.
- Stool examination shows ova of hook worm(+++).
Q1. What type of anaemia does this patient has?
Q2. What is the cause of eosinophilia?
Q3. Mention the principles involved in treatment of this
A1. Iron deficiency Anaemia.
A2. Worm infestation.
A3. Principles: Deworming using anti parasitic drugs like
Albandazole and administration of Iron in injection form.