Concentration & Dilution of Urine: Countercurrent mechanism (CBME PY7.3)

  • Kidney performs a unique function of concentration & dilution of urine according to the needs of the body
  • Purpose?
    • To maintain osmolality and volume of body fluids: by regulating excretion of water and NaCl

There is production of

  • Concentrated urine during dehydration with Osmolality: Hyperosmotic (1400 mOsm/L) and Volume: < 0.5L
  • Dilute urine during overhydration with Osmolality: Hypoosmatic (30 mOsm/L) and Volume: > 23.5 L

Achieved by

  1. Counter current mechanism
  2. Anti-Diuretic Hormone

What is Osmolality?

Osmolality of body fluids (ICF & ECF) is 300 mOsm/L.

Tonicity - 3 types

  1. Isotonic
  2. Hypertonic
  3. Hypotonic

What is Counter Current System?

A system in which flow runs

  • parallel to
  • counter to
  • close contact for some distance

Basis for counter current system

  • Variable permeability of the nephrons
  • Medullary osmotic gradient
  • Direction and proximity of flow of fluid in Loop of Henle and Vasa recta

Variable permeability of the nephrons 

Osmotic gradient in Kidneys 

Types of nephrons

  1. Cortical nephrons having Peritubular capillaries
  2. Juxta-medullary nephrons having Vasa recta 

Cortical vs Juxtamedullary nephrons

Components of Counter current system

  1. Descending limb of loop of Henle
  2. Thin and thick ascending limb of Loop of Henle
  3. Medullary interstitium
  4. Distal convoluted tubule
  5. Collecting Duct
  6. Vasa Recta 

Counter current system consists of

  1. Counter current multiplier
  2. Counter current exchanger

Counter current multiplier

It has 

  • Single effect
  • Multiple effect Single effect

Single effect

Proximal convoluted tubule

  • 80% of filtered water and solutes reabsorbed

 PCT Fluid osmolality = Plasma osmolality = 300 mOsm/L

Descending limb of loop of Henle (Concentrating segment)

  • Highly permeable to water
  • Water reabsorbed freely into the interstitium
  • Relatively impermeable to solutes
  • Solute conc. increases (NaCl)
  • Osmolality in the tubule increases (1200 mOsm.) 

Ascending limb of loop of Henle (Diluting segment)

  • Thin ascending limb
    • Impermeable to water
    • Permeable to NaCl and urea
  • Thick ascending limb
    • Impermeable to water and other solutes
    • Actively transport the NaCl out of the lumen to interstitium by
      • Na-2Cl-K Symport
      • Na-K ATPase Pump 

Interstitial fluid becomes hyper-osmotic

Tubular fluid becomes more & more hypo-osmotic

Distal convoluted tubule & Collecting duct

Cortical and outer medullary portion of Collecting duct

  • Permeable to water
  • Impermeable to Urea and NaCl 

Urea free water reabsorption occurs in Collecting duct

Increase in Urea conc. in tubular fluid

Inner medullary portion of collecting duct

              Urea along with water moves out passively along the concentration gradient into medullary interstitium

Gets trapped by counter current exchange in vasa recta (Urea trapping)

Maintains high osmolarity of medullary interstitium 


Multiple effect 

Osmotic concentration gradient is created

Counter current exchanger

Is due to Vasa recta

Because of Counter current multiplier effect

Osmotic gradient created by NaCl and Urea

Not last long if removed by circulation


  • Osmotic gradient is maintained by
    • Very slow blood flow in the vasa recta
    • Arrangement of descending and ascending limbs of vasa recta in close proximity to each other 

Vasa recta

In Descending limb

Due to concentration gradient water moves out into the interstitium

Contains nonfenestrated endothelim

Facilitated transport of NaCl and Urea to the lumen of the vessel 

In Ascending limb

Due to movement of water outside, concentration of plasma proteins ↑, more water enters the lumen

Contains fenestraed endothelim

NaCl and Urea returned to the interstitium (Urea trapping) 

Counter current multiplier

  • Due to Loop of Henle
  • Establish osmotic concentration gradient in the tubule

Counter current exchanger

  • Due to Vasa recta
  • Maintains osmotic concentration gradient in the interstitium
  • The greater the length of the Loop of Henle, the greater the osmolality that can be reached at the tip of the pyramid
  • Concentrate and dilute the urine according to the requirements of the body
  • Medullary osmolality is inversely proportional to medullary blood flow 

Other examples of counter-current system

  • Heat exchanges between the arteries and veins in the limbs

  • Villous blood vessels in the small intestine

Role of ADH in Collecting duct

In the presence of ADH

Absorption of more water

Excretion of low volume, hypertonic urine

In the absence of ADH

Less reabsorption of water

Excretion of high volume, hypotonic urine 



Applied Physiology


  • Excretion of large quantity of water through urine

Osmotic diuresis

  • Diuresis induced by the osmotic effects of solutes like glucose, in diabetes mellitus


  • Increased urinary output with frequent voiding, diabetes insipidus: Tubules fail to reabsorb water because of ADH deficiency


Q. Describe the mechanism of urine formation  involving processes of filtration, tubular reabsorption and secretion; concentration and diluting mechanism.