Cranial Nerves 1-6
- Olfactory nerve
- Optic nerve
- Occulomotor nerve
- Trochlear nerve
- Trigeminal nerve
- Abducent nerve
Olfactory Nerve ( 1st Cranial Nerve)
Sensory nerve
Function – carries the sensation of smell
Requirements – common substances like
- Coffee powder
- Camphor
- 1 small bottle of clove oil
- 1 small bottle of peppermint oil
- Ask the subject to sit comfortably on a stool
- Both the nostrils should be patent
- Ask the subject to close his eyes and one of his nostril
- Take the bottle containing Coffee powder close to the open nostril and ask him to identify it
- Test each nostril separately
- Note the result as Normal, Reduced, Absent or Perverted
- Repeat the procedure with Camphor
- Subject should close his eyes
- Subject should be familiar with the odour
- Both nostrils to be tested separately
- One nostril should be closed when the other nostril is being examined
Disorders of Smell:
- Anosmia
- Hyposmia
- Hyperosmia
- Parosmia
- Name:
- Age:
- Gender:
- Occupation:
- Address:
- Pallor: Not present
- Icterus: Not present
- Cyanosis: Not present
- Clubbing: Not present
- Oedema: Not present
- Lymphadenopathy: Not present
- Pulse:_____ bpm
- BP: ___/___ mmHg
- RR: _____ cycles/min.
- Temp:_____ deg. C
The Clinical Examination of Cranial Nervers 1 to 6 of the subject ________ aged ___ yrs is found to be normal.