Clinical Examination of Cranial Nerves 1 to 6

Cranial Nerves 1-6

  1. Olfactory nerve
  2. Optic nerve
  3. Occulomotor nerve
  4. Trochlear nerve
  5. Trigeminal nerve
  6. Abducent nerve

Olfactory Nerve ( 1st Cranial Nerve)

Sensory nerve

Function – carries the sensation of smell

Requirements – common substances like

  • Coffee powder
  • Camphor
  • 1 small bottle of clove oil
  • 1 small bottle of peppermint oil


  1. Ask the subject to sit comfortably on a stool
  2. Both the nostrils should be patent
  3. Ask the subject to close his eyes and one of his  nostril
  4. Take the bottle containing Coffee powder close to the open nostril and ask him to identify it
  5. Test each nostril separately
  6. Note the result as Normal, Reduced, Absent or Perverted
  7. Repeat the procedure with Camphor


  1. Subject should close his eyes
  2. Subject should be familiar with the odour
  3. Both nostrils to be tested separately
  4. One nostril should be closed when the other nostril is being examined

Disorders of Smell:

  1. Anosmia
  2. Hyposmia
  3. Hyperosmia
  4. Parosmia


  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Occupation:
  • Address:


  • Pallor: Not present
  • Icterus: Not present
  • Cyanosis: Not present
  • Clubbing: Not present
  • Oedema: Not present
  • Lymphadenopathy: Not present


  • Pulse:_____ bpm
  • BP: ___/___ mmHg
  • RR: _____ cycles/min.
  • Temp:_____ deg. C


The Clinical Examination of Cranial Nervers 1 to 6 of the subject ________ aged ___ yrs is found to be normal.