First Year MBBS Physiology
CVS Amphibian Graphs
NMP Amphibian Graphs
Physiology Record Book Problems
Physiology Record Book Case History
Physiology Record Book Charts
Physiology Problem 9
Calculate the cardiac output & cardiac index from the following data:
Total amount of T 1824 injected = 6mg
Mean conc. of the dye = 1.5mg/L
Duration of first passage of dye = 40 sec.
Body surface area = 1.5 sq.m
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Cardiovascular changes during Exercise
Long term regulation of BP & Applied Aspects
Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Muscle & Properties of Heart
Examination of Arterial Pulse
Regulation of Gastric secretion & Applied aspects
Small Intestine
Introduction to Renal System
Skin & Body Temperature Regulation
Renal Function Tests, Dialysis, Artificial Kidney