1. Simple muscle twitch


Latent period:

  • It is the period from the point of stimulus to the point of onset of contraction.

Contraction period:

  • It is the period between the point of onset of contraction to the point that corresponds to the peak of contraction.

Relaxation period:

  • It is the period from the peak of contraction to the end of relaxation.

Q.1 What is the cause for Latent Period?

The latent period is due to a chain of events

  • The time taken by the APs to travel from the point of stimulation to the motor endplates.
  • Release of acetylcholine, sodium influx, and generation of muscle action potential which leads to contraction.
  • Viscosity of the muscle.
  • Inertia of the lever system which has to be overcome before contraction can be recorded.

Q.2 What are the factors that determine the height of the simple muscle curve?

  • Strength of stimulus
  • Initial length of muscle fibers (preload)
  • Type of load
  • Temperature
  • Type of muscle fibers in the muscle
  • Inertia of the lever system
  • Magnification of the lever