8. Perfusion of isolated heart and effects of drugs (Adrenaline & Acetyl choline)

  • Pre-load/Free load: The load acting on the muscle before it begins to contract.
  • Afterload: The load acting on the muscle after the muscle starts to contract.

Q1. What is the mechanism of action of Adrenaline on heart?

  • Adrenaline increases the ionotropic, chronotropic, dromotropic and bathmotropic actions of the heart. It exerts its effect on the heart by acting on β2 adrenergic receptors that increase intracellular cyclic AMP concentration which facilitates the opening of long standing calcium channels which increases the depolarisation phase of the impulse, thereby increasing the heart rate. Adrenaline also increases the intracellular calcium in the myocardial cells by acting on β1 receptors present on the cardiac muscle and there by increases the force of contraction.

Q2. What is the mechanism of action of Acetylcholine on heart?

  • Acetylchloine decreases the heart rate and the force of contraction. The heart rate decreases because the membrane becomes hyperpolarized due to the action of acetylcholine on muscarinic receptors and K+ channels. Acetylcholine increases the K+ conductance in the nodal tissue by directly opening the K+ channels by acting on M2 receptors on the nodal cells, acetylcholine decreases the concentration of intracellular cyclic AMP that slows down the opening of calcium channels. This decrease the firing rate of the nodal tissue. Therefore the heart rate decreases. Acetylcholine also decreases cyclic AMP in the myocardial cell and therefore decreases the magnitude of contraction.