Physiology Chart 1

Name the graph. What are the domains on X & Y axis. Name the conditions leading to right and left shift. What is P 50?

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Given graph represents Oxygen-Haemoglobin dissociation curve

Domains > X axis – PO2, Y axis – Hb saturation

Conditions leading to Right

  • ↓ Po2
  • ↑ PCo2
  • ↑ [H]+ conc.
  • ↓ pH
  • ↑ Body temperature
  • ↑ 2,3 DPG

Conditions leading to Left

  • ↑ Po2
  • ↓ PCo2
  • ↓ [H]+ conc.
  • ↑ pH
  • ↓Body temperature
  • ↓2,3 DPG

P50 is the partial pressure of oxygen at which Hb saturation with oxygen is 50%