What is Physiology?

 What is physiology and how is this website useful to the students of Physiology?

         Physiology is a branch of Science, which helps us to understand the normal biological functions of living organisms.

         The doctor or a scientist who studies the subject of physiology is called as “PHYSIOLOGIST”.

Physiology is the base for the subjects of biomedical sciences. It fills up the gap between the various medical subjects. Without the sound understanding of Physiology, it will not be possible to understand neither Pathology nor the medicine which is used to treat the underlying pathology. Various sciences such as Genetics, bioinformatics find their application in the field of Physiology.

The subject involves studying the living system from a molecular level, i.e. subcellular (molecules, organelles) to the level of studying the living organism as a whole. Physiologists also study how a living organism survives in the external environment, the various physiological adaptations it makes for its better living.

Human physiology is the branch of physiology, which deals with normal functioning of a human body. The website physiologymadeeasy.com deals mainly with the human physiology. Many students who are studying physiology often find difficulty understanding various concepts involved in the subject. We are trying to help those physiology students here by teaching the subject from gross root level.

For the better understanding of the subject we will try to learn the subject is a systematic fashion. We divide the subject into General physiology and Systemic physiology. In General physiology we will see how each cell in our body works, bio-potentials, defense system of our body and other concepts. In systemic physiology we will try explaining how each of our organ system functions in an orderly fashion so that the learning becomes very easy. The main organ systems covered include; Nerve-muscle physiology, Blood, Respiratory physiology, Cardiovascular physiology, Excretory physiology, Central Nervous system. We also provide a brief review and contributions of few important scientists who have contributed to the field of physiology. We also provide insight on various mammalian and amphibian experiments.

To summarize this website provides comprehensive information related to the subject of physiology, explained in a simple way for the better understanding of the students. We wish every student makes a good use of the website for their better prospects.