The effect of varying strengths of saline on RBCs


Isotonic Solution:

Solution having osmolarity same as that of plasma is known as an Isotonic Solution.
Eg: 0.9% NaCl, 5% Glucose, 10% Urea, 20% Mannitol

RBCs when put into isotonic solution, no change in size takes place.

Hypotonic Solution:

Solution having osmolarity less than that of plasma is known as Hypotonic Solution.
Eg: 0.6% NaCl

RBCs when put into hypotonic solution, endosmosis takes place, that is RBCs enlarge & finally bursts. A burst cell is known as ‘Ghost Cell’.

Hypertonic Solution:

Solution having osmolarity greater than that of plasma is known as Hypertonic Solution.

RBCs when put into hypertonic solution, exosmosis takes place, that is RBCs shrunk and become Creanted RBCs. This phenomenon is known as ‘Crenation’.

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Apparatus Required:

Equipments for aseptic procedure – wet/spirit swab (70%f alcohol dipped swab)
3 glass slides + 3 cover slips + 3 tooth pics